Thursday, March 27th
(Doors will open at 5:30pm)
Lawrence Central Gym
Join us for this family-friendly night of Amy Beverland basketball! We will start the night out rocking the house with a high flying performance by Boomer and the Power Pack. Followed by a 3rd Grade Skills Course Competition, and the 4th Grade Free-Throw Contest.
Once we say goodbye to Boomer, buckle up for the ultimate March rivalry: The ABE Staff takes on the 5th and 6th grade boys & girls!
Our special halftime show will be the recognition of the 1st and 2nd graders that played in the Dads Club Basketball!
order of events
Wear a Blue Shirt & Sneakers (double tied and ready-to-go!)
Bring a water bottle
1st and 2nd GRADE MEDAL CEREMONY: If your child participated in the Dads Club Basketball League, they will be recognized at halftime during the staff vs student game. Please find your coach when you arrive to receive your metals. Please be inside the gym and find your coach prior to the start of the 2nd quarter of the staff vs student game. Once the 2nd quarter ends, please make your way to the floor with your coach. Please have your child stay together with their Coach/Team until the medal ceremony is over.
3rd GRADE SKILLS CHALLENGE: Each student will compete against each other in a series of dribbling and passing skills. The winners of each group (Boys & Girls) will get bragging rights and a photo with Boomer and the powerpack!
4th Grade FREE THROW CONTEST – Each student gets ONE shot. Make it and you stay, and advance to the next round. Miss it and you are out. Last one standing gets their name on the plaque!
Please note, the plaque does not go home with the student, it is kept at the school.
5th and 6th GRADE BASKETBALL PLAYERS – Stay in the bleachers until your team is called down to the court.