Here are 3 things you can do to help support our school through this fundraiser:
The ABE Boosterthon Glow Run is our biggest fundraiser of the year! The donations earned through this fundraiser, allow us to make a real impact on the entire Amy Beverland Community. Public school funding only goes so far to provide opportunities for our school. The funds we raise support free family-friendly events hosted throughout the year that bring students, families and staff together. Not only that, we are able to rely on these funds for classroom supplies and teacher needs, so our educators don’t feel the need to pull from their own pockets to provide the best environment for their students. These funds are also used to provide educational opportunities for students that would otherwise not be possible. Can you help our school?
The Amy Beverland gym will be transformed into a glowing, neon racetrack with rope lights, disco balls, tents, flags, cones and tunnels. During the fundraiser, students will run 30-35 glowing laps to fun, high-energy music. The kids love the energy of this event, and work hard to get as many laps in as possible. Exercise + Community Spirt – a win, win!
Get ready for the quest of a lifetime! We’re headed to Bravemore Castle where students will learn the “six virtues of a true hero”. Watch the video for a sneak peak to how our quest will begin. Huzzah!